Lyssup International Portugal

Why choose us

Our strong international focus manifests itself in several different areas

At Lyssup International, we consider the international mobility of students, professors, and researchers as one of the keystones of our internationalization efforts. We seek to provide opportunities for international mobility globally by offering study abroad programs at all levels of education

International Focus
At Lyssup International, our priority is to create an international environment for all community members to contribute to and thrive in. Here is what we do with international cooperations.

Our Learning Principles
The first semester of coursework at Lyssup International is called orientation, where all first-semester students get introduced to the learning concept, three study programs, and the Science, Technology & Society Program. Below you find an overview of our basic learning

LYSSUP International Portugal

We will provide the most international, innovative, and individualized

Our Mission

Our Vision

LYSSUP International Portugal

Be the champion of change, reinventing education for the dynamic leaders of the


All study programs are taught entirely in English


We welcome exchange students, visiting lecturers and researchers from around the globe.


We have strong ties to many higher education institutions, education partners, and international industries

International experience

Our faculty and staff members have experience living, studying and working abroad.


We have a culturally diverse community, 36% of our staff and faculty members are coming from abroad, 33% of our study body is from 65 countries.


We practice diversity management and intercultural learning.

Our strong international focus manifests itself in several different areas

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